PROJECTE – #OneTreeaday365days
Una part molt important del projecte està realitzat en porcellana i amb la transferència de les meves pròpies fotografies que he anat fent dels arbres del meu entorn, i que han format per tant part de la meva vida.
This is a project in which trees are the protagonists. Every day we live with them and often go unnoticed. I decided to give them visibility with a simple daily act, for a year, making them a picture and uploading it to Instagram with the slogan # Onetreeaday365days, indicating the day. Every day I post on social networks a picture of a tree around me, wherever I am. The first day of the project was 14 January 2016.
This research and artistic project at the same time has become the starting point of a whole series of works using different languages.
A major part of the project is made of porcelain transfering my own photos that somehow have been part of my life.









Transferencia de les fotografíes en porcelana/Transfer of the photos to porcelain

Day13 cerámica/clay

Day6 cerámica/clay
Obres relacionades amb el Projecte #OneTreeaday365days/Other works related to the Project

“7 Dies”/ cerámica, clay, pigments, black and red, coexistence
Obra seleccionada a la XVIII Biennal de Ceràmica Angelina Alós d’Esplugues